» livros novos - outubro 2014
- COMPÊNDIO brasileiro de nutrição animal 2013.
- EVERITT, Brian; HOTHORN, Torsten. An introduction to applied multivariate analysis with R. 2011. 3ex.
- LERAYER, Alda et al. In gut we trust. 2013.
- LICINIO, Julio; WONG, Ma-Li. Pharmacogenomics: the search for individualized therapies. 2003. 3ex.
- MARKOWSKI, Paul; RICHARDSON, Yvette. Mesoscale meteorology in midlatitudes. 2013. 3ex.
- MURPHY, Kenneth. Janeway's immunobiology. 8.ed. 2012. 5ex.
- REICH, Linda E. A modern course in statistical physics. 3.ed. 2009.
- SEINFELD, John H.; PANDIS, Spyros N. Atmospheric chemistry and physics: from air pollution to climate change. 2.ed. 2006. 3ex.
- SHUTTLEWORTH, W. James. Terrestrial hydrometeorology. 2012. 3ex.
- STULL, Roland B. An introduction to boundary layer meteorology. 2009.
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