» livros novos - outubro 2011
- ABLOWITZ, Mark J.; FOKAS, Athanassios S. Complex variables: introduction and applications. 2.ed. 2009. 2ex.
- ASHCROFT, Neil W.; MERMIN, N. David. Física do estado sólido. 2011. 3ex.
- BOAS, Mary L. Mathematical methods in the physical sciences. 3.ed. 2006. 3ex.
- CHANG, Raymond. Química geral: conceitos essenciais. 4.ed. 2010. 3ex.
- CUTTER, Elizabeth G. Anatomia vegetal: primeira parte: células e troncos. 2.ed. 2002. 2ex.
- GAISSER, Thomas K. Cosmic rays and particle physics. 1999. 2ex.
- GIUNTI, Carlo; KIM, Chung W. Fundamentals of neutrino physics and astrophysics. 2011.
- GRIFFITHS, David. Introduction to elementary particles. 2.ed. 2010. 4ex.
- GRUPEN, Claus. Astroparticle physics. 2010. 2ex.
- LIPSCHUTZ, Seymour; LIPSON, Marc Lars. Álgebra linear. 4.ed. 2011. 3ex.
- MARTIN, Richard M. Electronic structure: basic theory and practical methods. 2010. 2ex.
- McMURRY, John. Química orgânica. 2012. 2v. 3ex.
- MEYYAPPAN, M. Carbon nanotubes: science and applications. 2005. 2ex.
- OLIVEIRA, Mário José de. Termodinâmica. 2005. 3ex.
- PANG, Tao. An introduction to computational physics. 2.ed. 2006. 2ex.
- PESKIN, Michael E.; SCHOROEDER, Daniel V. An introduction to quantum field theory. 1995. 2ex.
- POVH, Bogdan et al. Particles and nuclei: an introduction to the physical concepts. 6.ed. 2008. 2ex.
- REIF, F. Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics. 2009. 2ex.
- SKOOG, Douglas A. et al. Fundamentos de química analítica. 2006. 2ex.
- STEWART, James. Cálculo: volume 1. 2010. 2ex.
- STOUT, George H.; JENSEN, Lyle H. X-ray structure determination: a practical guide. 2.ed. 1989.
- THORNTON, Stephen T.; MARION, Jerry B. Dinâmica clássica de partículas e sistemas. 2011. 5ex.
- ZWIEBACH, Barton. A first course in string theory. 2.ed. 2009. 2ex.
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