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» livros novos - outubro 2011

  1. ABLOWITZ, Mark J.; FOKAS, Athanassios S. Complex variables: introduction and applications. 2.ed. 2009. 2ex.
  2. ASHCROFT, Neil W.; MERMIN, N. David. Física do estado sólido. 2011. 3ex.
  3. BOAS, Mary L. Mathematical methods in the physical sciences. 3.ed. 2006. 3ex.
  4. CHANG, Raymond. Química geral: conceitos essenciais. 4.ed. 2010. 3ex.
  5. CUTTER, Elizabeth G. Anatomia vegetal: primeira parte: células e troncos. 2.ed. 2002. 2ex.
  6. GAISSER, Thomas K. Cosmic rays and particle physics. 1999. 2ex.
  7. GIUNTI, Carlo; KIM, Chung W. Fundamentals of neutrino physics and astrophysics. 2011.
  8. GRIFFITHS, David. Introduction to elementary particles. 2.ed. 2010. 4ex.
  9. GRUPEN, Claus. Astroparticle physics. 2010. 2ex.
  10. LIPSCHUTZ, Seymour; LIPSON, Marc Lars. Álgebra linear. 4.ed. 2011. 3ex.
  11. MARTIN, Richard M. Electronic structure: basic theory and practical methods. 2010. 2ex.
  12. McMURRY, John. Química orgânica. 2012. 2v. 3ex.
  13. MEYYAPPAN, M. Carbon nanotubes: science and applications. 2005. 2ex.
  14. OLIVEIRA, Mário José de. Termodinâmica. 2005. 3ex.
  15. PANG, Tao. An introduction to computational physics. 2.ed. 2006. 2ex.
  16. PESKIN, Michael E.; SCHOROEDER, Daniel V. An introduction to quantum field theory. 1995. 2ex.
  17. POVH, Bogdan et al. Particles and nuclei: an introduction to the physical concepts. 6.ed. 2008. 2ex.
  18. REIF, F. Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics. 2009. 2ex.
  19. SKOOG, Douglas A. et al. Fundamentos de química analítica. 2006. 2ex.
  20. STEWART, James. Cálculo: volume 1. 2010. 2ex.
  21. STOUT, George H.; JENSEN, Lyle H. X-ray structure determination: a practical guide. 2.ed. 1989.
  22. THORNTON, Stephen T.; MARION, Jerry B. Dinâmica clássica de partículas e sistemas. 2011. 5ex.
  23. ZWIEBACH, Barton. A first course in string theory. 2.ed. 2009. 2ex.

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