» livros novos - fevereiro 2007
- BIC, Lubomir F.; SHAW, Alan C. Operating systems principles. 2003.
- BROWNSTON, Lee et al. Programming expert systems in OOS5: an introduction to rule-based programming. 1986.
- CARRANO, Frank M.; SAVITCH, Walter. Data structures and abstractions with Javatm. 2003.
- CASANOVA, Marco Antonio et al. (ed.) Bancos de dados geográficos. 2005.
- COAD, Peter; YOURDON, Edward. Object-oriented design. 1991.
- ______. ______. 2.ed. 1991.
- CORMEN, Thomas H. et al. Introduction to algorithms. 2.ed. [199_?].
- COULOURIS, George; DOLLIMORE, Jean; KINDBERG, Tim. Distributed systems: concepts and design. 3.ed. 2001.
- FOROUZAN, Behrouz A. Data communications and networking. 3.ed. 2004.
- FRIEDMAN, Daniel P.; WAND, Mitchell; HAYNES, Christopher T. Essentials of programming languages. 2.ed. 2001.
- GAUCH, Hugh G. Scientific method in practice. 2003.
- GHEZZI, Carlo; JAZAYERI, Mehdi. Programming language concepts. 3.ed. 1998.
- GILBERG, Richard F.; FOROUZAN, Behrouz A. Data structures: a pseudocode approach with C++. 2001.
- GOGUEN, Joseph A.; MALCOLM, Grant. Algebraic semantics of imperative programs. 1996.
- JACKSON, Peter. Introduction to expert systems. 1986.
- JALOTE, Pankaj. Fault tolerance in distributed systems. 1994.
- KALNAY, Eu genia. Atmospheric modeling, data assimilation and predictability. 2003.
- KOFFMAN, Elliot B.; WOLFGANG, Paul A. T. Objects, abstraction, data structures and design using Java version 5.0. 2005.
- MALIK, D. S. C++ programming: program design including data structures. 2.ed. 2004.
- McGINN, Robert E. Science, technology, and society. 1991.
- MEYERS, Scott. Effective C++: 50 specific ways to improve your programs and design. 1998. 2ex.
- PATTERSON, David A.; HENNESSY, John L. Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface. 2005. Inclui CD-ROM
- PITTMAN, Thomas. The art of compiler design: theory and practice. 1992.
- REIS, Adriana Neves dos et al. Desenvolvimento em software livre. 2004. 2ex.
- SAVITCH, Walter. Java: an introduction to computer science and programming. 2001. Inclui CD-ROM.
- SEDGEWICK, Robert. Algorithms in C. 1990.
- SPINELLIS, Diomidis. Code reading: the open source perspective. 2003. Inclui CD-ROM.
- STALLINGS, William. Computer organization and architecture: designing for performance. 7.ed. 2006.
- TANENBAUM, Andrew S. Computer networks. 2.ed. 1988.
- ______. Modern operating systems. 2.ed. 2001.
- ______. Structured computer organization. 3.ed. 1990.
- ______.; VAN STEEN, Maarten. Distributed systems: principles and paradigms. 2002.
- ______.; WOODHULL, Albert S. Operating systems: design and implementation. 2.ed. 1997.
- TENENBAUM, Aaron M., AUGENSTEIN, Moshe J. Data structures using Pascal. 2.ed. 1986.
- WIRFS-BROCK, Rebecca; WILKERSON, Brian; WIENER, Lauren. Designing object-oriented software. 1990.
- WIRTH, Niklaus. Algorithms + data structures = programs. 1976.
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