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» livros novos - fevereiro 2007

  1. BIC, Lubomir F.; SHAW, Alan C. Operating systems principles. 2003.
  2. BROWNSTON, Lee et al. Programming expert systems in OOS5: an introduction to rule-based programming. 1986.
  3. CARRANO, Frank M.; SAVITCH, Walter. Data structures and abstractions with Javatm. 2003.
  4. CASANOVA, Marco Antonio et al. (ed.) Bancos de dados geográficos. 2005.
  5. COAD, Peter; YOURDON, Edward. Object-oriented design. 1991.
  6. ______. ______. 2.ed. 1991.
  7. CORMEN, Thomas H. et al. Introduction to algorithms. 2.ed. [199_?].
  8. COULOURIS, George; DOLLIMORE, Jean; KINDBERG, Tim. Distributed systems: concepts and design. 3.ed. 2001.
  9. FOROUZAN, Behrouz A. Data communications and networking. 3.ed. 2004.
  10. FRIEDMAN, Daniel P.; WAND, Mitchell; HAYNES, Christopher T. Essentials of programming languages. 2.ed. 2001.
  11. GAUCH, Hugh G. Scientific method in practice. 2003.
  12. GHEZZI, Carlo; JAZAYERI, Mehdi. Programming language concepts. 3.ed. 1998.
  13. GILBERG, Richard F.; FOROUZAN, Behrouz A. Data structures: a pseudocode approach with C++. 2001.
  14. GOGUEN, Joseph A.; MALCOLM, Grant. Algebraic semantics of imperative programs. 1996.
  15. JACKSON, Peter. Introduction to expert systems. 1986.
  16. JALOTE, Pankaj. Fault tolerance in distributed systems. 1994.
  17. KALNAY, Eu genia. Atmospheric modeling, data assimilation and predictability. 2003.
  18. KOFFMAN, Elliot B.; WOLFGANG, Paul A. T. Objects, abstraction, data structures and design using Java version 5.0. 2005.
  19. MALIK, D. S. C++ programming: program design including data structures. 2.ed. 2004.
  20. McGINN, Robert E. Science, technology, and society. 1991.
  21. MEYERS, Scott. Effective C++: 50 specific ways to improve your programs and design. 1998. 2ex.
  22. PATTERSON, David A.; HENNESSY, John L. Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface. 2005. Inclui CD-ROM
  23. PITTMAN, Thomas. The art of compiler design: theory and practice. 1992.
  24. REIS, Adriana Neves dos et al. Desenvolvimento em software livre. 2004. 2ex.
  25. SAVITCH, Walter. Java: an introduction to computer science and programming. 2001. Inclui CD-ROM.
  26. SEDGEWICK, Robert. Algorithms in C. 1990.
  27. SPINELLIS, Diomidis. Code reading: the open source perspective. 2003. Inclui CD-ROM.
  28. STALLINGS, William. Computer organization and architecture: designing for performance. 7.ed. 2006.
  29. TANENBAUM, Andrew S. Computer networks. 2.ed. 1988.
  30. ______. Modern operating systems. 2.ed. 2001.
  31. ______. Structured computer organization. 3.ed. 1990.
  32. ______.; VAN STEEN, Maarten. Distributed systems: principles and paradigms. 2002.
  33. ______.; WOODHULL, Albert S. Operating systems: design and implementation. 2.ed. 1997.
  34. TENENBAUM, Aaron M., AUGENSTEIN, Moshe J. Data structures using Pascal. 2.ed. 1986.
  35. WIRFS-BROCK, Rebecca; WILKERSON, Brian; WIENER, Lauren. Designing object-oriented software. 1990.
  36. WIRTH, Niklaus. Algorithms + data structures = programs. 1976.

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