» livros novos - dezembro 2009
- BOLDRINI, José Luiz et al. Álgebra linear. 3.ed. ampl. e rev. 1986. 3ex.
- CARR, Michael William. International Marine's weather predicting simplified: how to read weather charts and satellite images.
- CASAROTTO FILHO, Nelson; FÁVERO, José Severino; CASTRO, João Ernesto Escosteguy. Gerência de projetos / engenharia simultânea:
organização, planejamento, programação PERT/CPM/PERT/Custo, controle, direção. 2006. 2ex.
- CORNISH, Maurice M.; IVES, Elaine E. Maritime meteorology. 2.ed. 1997.
- DEFANT, F.; MÖRTH, H. T. Compedium of meteorology: vol. 1: part 3: synoptic meteorology. 1978.
- GONZALES, Rafael C.; WOODS, Richard E. Digital image processing. 3.ed. 2008. 6ex.
- GRIMALDI, Ralph P. Discrete and combinatorial mathematics: an applied introduction. 5.ed. 2004. 2ex.
- HEARN, Donald; BAKER, M. Pauline. Computer graphics with OpenGL. 3.ed. 2004. 2ex.
- HEWITT, Paul G. Física conceitual. 9.ed. 2002. 2ex.
- KOLMAN, Bernard; HILL, David R. Introdução à álgebra linear: com aplicações. 8.ed. 2006. 3ex.
- LEITHOLD, Louis. O cálculo com geometria analítica. 3.ed. 1994. 2v. 6ex.
- LEON, Steven J. Álgebra linear com aplicações. 4.ed. 1999. 6ex.
- LUGER, George F. Artificial intelligence: structures and strategies for complex problem solving. 6.ed. 2008.
- MAUNDER, W. J. The value of the weather. 1970.
- MERIAM, J. L.; KRAIGE, L. G. Mecânica: vol.2: dinâmica. 5.ed. 2004. 3ex.
- MEYER, Bertrand. Object-oriented software construction. 2.ed. 2009. 6ex.
- MUNEM, Mustafa A.; FOULIS, David J. Cálculo: v.2. 1982. 3ex.
- NUSSENZVEIG, H. Moysés. Curso de física básica: 1: mecânica. 4.ed. rev. 2008. 2ex.
- ______. ______.: 2: fluídos, oscilações e ondas, calor. 4.ed. rev. 2007. 2ex.
- ______. ______.: 3: eletromagnetismo. 2007. 2ex.
- PICKARD, George L.; EMERY, William J. Descriptive physical oceanography: an introduction. 5.ed. 1990.
- RETALLACK, B. J. Compedium of meteorology: vol. 2: part 2: aeronautical meteorology. 1978.
- SCHÖN, J. H. Physical properties of rocks: fundamentals and principles of petrophysics. 2004. 3ex.
- STEWART, James. Cálculo: vol. 1. 5.ed. 2005.
- STILLER, David et al. The ActionScript 3.0: for developers and designers using Flash CS4 Professional. 2008.
- TELFORD, W. M.; GELDART, L. P.; SHERIFF, R. E. Applied geophysics. 2.ed. 1990. 2ex.
- VANÍCEK, Petr; CHRISTOU, Nikolaos T. (eds.). Geoid and its geophysical interpretations. 1994.
- WATTS, Alan. The weather handbook. 2.ed. 1999.
- WESTE, Neil H. E.; HARRIS, David. CMOS VLSI design: a circuits and systems perspective. 3.ed. 2005. 2ex.
- WILKS, D. S. Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences. 2.ed. 2006. 2ex.
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