ISSN on-line 1983-8891
ISSN impresso 1413-9448
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In Preface to Transgression, we relive two scenarios that find their point of inflection in the Critique of Pure Reason, specifically in the act of contesting the determination of limits performed in that Critique. In one scenario, which would later be detailed in The order of things, and have often visited by their readers, Foucault discusses the results of this act, transgression that inaugurates the modern épistémè: the Man and his finiteness. In another scenario, which is the subject of this article, Foucault analyzes how this act could be outlined: how could it be possible a transgression of this finiteness. Our main goal is to discuss the language of this transgression, and propose a way to finitude transgressed.

KEYWORDS: Sexuality; Finiteness; Eroticism; Dialectical language; Subject; Pleasure.



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