Coleções científicas em museus: parâmetros de divulgação e construção de memória

Daniel Maurício Viana de Souza


This article aims to analyze the theoretical and practical parameters of processing of the scientific objects that compose museum collections as structural elements of the actions of scientific divulgation, considering its implications in the construction and representation of social memory scenario. In this sense, this paper reflects about the elaborations of meanings present in the process of musealization of scientific objects and the logics of formation of the collections in science museums. It also examines scientific objects as elements of the cultural heritage, in addition to study the narrative/informational atmosphere of science museums as places for the production of discursive regimes regulators of the memory.

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Revista Memória em Rede, Pelotas/RS - Brasil - ISSN 2177-4129
Programa de Pós Graduação em Memória Social e Patrimônio Cultural

Implem. e suporte: Fabrício Bassi