ISSN on-line 1983-8891
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This article aims to analyze the role played by the author's figure inside the writings of Nietzsche, especially in his book 1888 - Ecce homo. The hypothesis to be demonstrated is that the presentation of the emergency conditions of a certain type of man, namely the "Mister Nietzsche", corresponds to the genealogical demarcation of decisive strokes to an overcoming of the decadence that characterizes modernity, according to the philosopher. In this regard, there is a peculiar proximity between Ecce Homo and the Genealogy of Morals, as both the philosopher works with the ability to get inside the decadence an opposite kind to the meek and submissive man that necessarily results from it. They have failed, however, it is considered that the focus at the 1888 book is no longer around to external, social and cultural factors that create the conditions for obtaining that kind of man, but for the individual in his interaction with those conditions. Ecce homo would thus correspond to a philosophical experiment that can, in these terms, in association with the previous text, which is a genealogy, be termed as a self-genealogy.

Keywords: Genealogy, self-genealogy, subjectivity, yourself, self-staging.



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