ISSN on-line 1983-8891
ISSN impresso 1413-9448
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In order to present the moral philosophy of Utilitarianism, this article examines the homonymous work of John Stuart Mill, noting its the dual purpose of characterization and against argument, that is, the concept of utilitarianism and the answers to some of the objections defining the fighting spirit (but also pro) the work published 1861. In view of this purpose, the exhibition unfolds over four articulated divisions. (i) At first, by way of a brief introduction, this is to place the text on the horizon of the motivations that determine its structure. (ii) In the second part, it show that the most important traits of utilitarianism are defined in reference to the assumed moral rule in accordance with the data of the inductive method (which explains the special discussion that Mill has with Kant, on the contrary, think the moral from principles established deductively). (iii) Once exposed the anchor point of utilitarian ethics, the third time is just concerned with the presentation of some of its key features. (iv) In order somewhat summary of stopping a little on the route of the background, the fourth and final part briefly examines the role of interest in the utilitarianism of Mill.

Keywords: pleasure; interest; happiness; moral irrigation; utility.


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