ISSN on-line 1983-8891
ISSN impresso 1413-9448
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This study examines from the thought of Emmanuel Levinas the ethics anticipations and otherness. Levinas verifies that the primacy of Western thought is philosophical ontology. Being ontology philosophy first the other is thought from it. Therefore, he proposes to ethics as first philosophy. Ethics outside the categories of being, outside of rationality. Levinas being a great scholar of the phenomenology of Husserl verifies that the intellectualism, above all, the eliminated also intentionality otherness, the other came into existence within consciousness of transcendental subject. The limit of that intentionality is the inability to receive the other as another. However, the intentional awareness search pré-intencionalidade, anticipations.

Keywords: Levinas, ontology, metaphysics, anticipations, Phenomenology.

    DISSERTATIO Revista de Filosofia | Todos os direitos reservados © 2010
Instituto de Sociologia e Política | Departamento de Filosofia | Mestrado em Filosofia
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