ISSN on-line 1983-8891
ISSN impresso 1413-9448
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The aim of this article is to discuss whether Nietzsche's philosophy is "anti-metaphysical". The conceptual starting point for this inquiry is the fact that influential works are in agreement - although for different reasons - that Nietzsche's philosophy is clearly antimetaphysical. My hypothesis is that Nietzsche’s philosophy is not, by his own conceptual point of view, a critique of the very idea of ​​ metaphysics. To justify such a reading, I will reconstituted some decisive moments in the history of the critique of metaphysics and then explicit what position Nietzsche seems to occupy in this tradition. My specific goal is to disassociate Nietzsche from an interpretation that tries that interprets his work as "relativist" or "irrational" or a tentative to reduce ethics to aesthetic. My higher goal is to think metaphysics as one of the more authentic forms of philosophical activity.

Keywords: History of philosophy, critics of metaphysics, Nietzsche.

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