ISSN on-line 1983-8891
ISSN impresso 1413-9448
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We start form the principle that the problems about the explanation of the inner world experinecies must be searched in the correct understanding of our ordinary language when we use psychological referring concepts to our psychological experiences. We make, in the first place a surview of the traditional point of view about our language and the problems that appear when we conceive that language is at first descritiptive. We analise some paradoxes that this conception impose to our understand of psychological concepts. Later, we presents the point of view of Ludwig Wittgenstein and the poinit of view that he presentes to us to an adequately surview of our expressions about inner experiences.

Keywords: Philosophy, Wittgenstein, concepts, psychology, inner experiences.

    DISSERTATIO Revista de Filosofia | Todos os direitos reservados © 2010
Instituto de Sociologia e Política | Departamento de Filosofia | Mestrado em Filosofia
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